Our Healthy Building Environment
Our shared experience during 2020 and 2021 increased world-wide awareness of public health. We continue to ask each child to bring an individual water bottle to school, instead of using a public drinking fountain, and children bring healthy lunches from home. WFS provides healthy morning and afternoon snacks.
A benefit we received during the Covid-19 pandemic is a significant upgrade to our physical environment, particularly to the quality of the air in all areas of our building. In September 2021 we installed an iWave Air Purifier system that continually "scrubs" all air in the building, removing 94% of viral pathogens including Covid-19. In March 2023 we did a professional cleaning of the entire HVAC system and all air ducts in our building. In July 2023 air sensors will be installed to continually monitor the quality of our air and alert us to a presence of pathogens or significant dust levels.
Our playgrounds are another significant part of our healthy environment. Our preschool classes have three outdoor recess times each day to soak up sun and fresh air as well as provide an attention reset before the rigors of more structured learning. Elementary classes have three daily recess periods that provide a release of energy from focused classroom studies and give opportunity to practice social skills in cooperative group play and makig free choices.
Your child’s health and safety are a top priority for us. If you have questions or concerns, please be in touch with Shelly Hoffman, Head of School, 316-729-0303 or via the "Contact Us" button below.