Hello! I am Ms. Brandi and I would like to share some of the benefits of our multi-grade early elementary classroom at Wichita Friends School. I find that it is full of extra learning exposure, both academic and social.
First grade has daily exposure to the 2nd and 3rd grade curricula, which stretches their imaginations and curiosity. As our 1st graders see the upper grades reading chapter books, they find extra motivation to work on their letters, sounds, and words so they, also, can read a good chapter book.
Our 2nd grade children get the best of all three grades. They enjoy reviewing their 1st grade accomplishments as they interact with their younger friends, and they enjoy their new 2nd grade lessons, THey also receive extra motivation by being around the 3rd grade academics.
Our 3rd grade has their 2nd grade accomplishments reinforced as they see their younger friends’ discovery processes and take advantage of opportunities for peer tutoring with its practice of patience, responsibility, and leadership. As teacher, I enjoy seeing so much fluidity among my students and their lessons. Cooperation, challenge and assistance are a part of our daily classroom interactions and prepare my young children well for lasting success.
Integral to our multi-grade classroom success is having sufficient classroom space for independent work by small teams of students when I am focused on another grade level. Additionally, we are blessed with paraprofessionals who enrich our lessons and provide guidance and support during independent work periods.
Beyond our academic work, my 1st-2nd-3rd grade children join our Kindergarten students during enrichment classes (music, P.E., cooking & baking, art, Godly Play, library, sign language, Spanish). Watching my older students expand their social circle to embrace younger and less mature children is heart-warming. Community and respect are important life concepts that we weave into our school life, and I love seeing these skills in action!